Tuesday, May 26, 2009

No feline friend of mine.

The new Scientific American opens with this beauty, "Unlike other domesticated creatures, the house cat contributes little to human survival. Researchers have therefore wondered how and why cats came to live among people."


heated mammal said...

I am about to read the article, but I do believe that first line is an overstatement. What about the cats that were present on almost every sailing vessel for hundreds of years lest rats eat into and contaminate an already rationed food supply? Cats, when allowed to, will effectively clear an area of disease carrying rodents and have probably been employed to do so since the Egyptians started hunting with them back before we made up the Jewish flying zombie story. Cats are awesome because they don't really need your undivided attention like a dog does, dogs are awesome because they're always stoked to see you. Cat shit stinks more, dogs eat their own shit and then lick you when you aren't looking.

heated mammal said...

So, I read the article and found it to be interesting if not a bit "old news". Two things struck me though: 1. We want to believe that Romans were the first outsiders on the British Isles, which is not true 2. British people love to breed animals on both the genetic and voyueristic levels.

andepie said...

more of voyeuristic level; wouldn't you say. Just like everyone else.