Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Really fucking old songs

So i got to snoopin around on the hyperwebs and found some nice little trinkets from the past. seems strange that these sort of things even still exist out there, but for this i am thankful. disclaimer:yes, i too hate songs that just show pictures behind them, but this is a good exception so get used to it. i encourage you to take a few minutes, have a few beers (yea, a beer a minute would be a good pace i suppose) and soak this shit in, because its embedded in all of our musical tastes in one way or another. roots music esé

Banjo related shenanagins - attn:eric/charles

insanely tight slide git'tar.

the very first recording of this song (supposedly) 1933. attn:david talsma



i just added this for grins

anyway, last but not least, lets talk about how bad ass this motherfucker was:

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