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Dear Steve Jobs,
I'm just saying that to change out a laptop hard drive you shouldn't need to remove 30 screws with three different tools (a metric hex and torque driver?). I mean, really? What fucking Industrial Design major's grad school thesis wet dream was it to make this upgrade retardedly over complicated. Give me a fucking break. This company nickels and dimes the shit out of its loyal customers. The reason you make it so difficult to remove the hard drive is so your customer don't want to do it, and will pay them to not only replace the hard drive but to clone it as well. FUCK OFF! My laptop has two screws that holds it in place. It takes, no kidding, 2 minutes to replace it's hard drive, and I can clone it with, GASP, FREE software! I know the thought of free software probably just made your tumor get a little bigger, sorry. Normally, this wouldn't be my problem because I would rather just buy a PC laptop for $800 and set the remaining $500 on fire, but when people want me to fuck with their ibook it becomes my problem Steve, YOU FUCK.
Richard Arnold
well... seeing as how i only had to undo 3 allen head screws that held in a spring loaded bracket to change my hard drive out then maybe youre doing it wrong? or maybe you have an old ass apple?
my hard drive even has a slot load and a pull tab to pull it in and out.
It's an ibook that's about 3 or 4 years old, and that is the procedure. I had to look it up to make sure that it was really this bat shit insane.
yah, well the new ones arent like that. mines a good 3 years old and its easy.
some of us just arent into carrying around ugly, virus riddled cinderblocks with shitty op-systems. heh heh heh.
i mean, the mac is hip, but dont hate. my computer works for me, i dont work for it.
Get this though, I just talked to our programmer. He uses a Macbook Pro. Not, one of the new unibodies, but he bought it new early last year. He was telling me he has to remove 10 screws, and use a torque driver. What the fuck?
this is the most pointless argument ive ever been in. things are held together with screws.
in your case they were probably so rusted from your salty tears that it just made it that much harder.
i know, right! hahaha
Jeez, chill out Andy Rooney. The next thing we know you'll be making posts about how long it took you had to wait at the post office, or how difficult it was to get the cap off your bottle of centrum silver.
hahaha. me laughing.
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