Wednesday, April 15, 2009


NEW YORK – A clothing company known for its racy ads is fighting a $10 million lawsuit brought by Woody Allen, arguing that it can't have damaged his reputation by using his image because the film director has already ruined it himself.

The 73-year-old Allen started the fight against American Apparel Inc. when he sued the company last year for using his image on the company's billboards in Hollywood and New York and on a Web site.

Allen, who does not endorse products in the United States, said he had not authorized the displays, which the Los Angeles-based company said were up for only a week.

Now the company plans to make Allen's relationships to actress Mia Farrow and her adopted daughter Soon-Yi Previn the focus of a trial scheduled to begin in federal court in Manhattan on May 18, according to the company's lawyer, Stuart Slotnick.

"Woody Allen expects $10 million for use of his image on billboards that were up and down in less than one week. I think Woody Allen overestimates the value of his image," Slotnick said.

God damn for real? they think they are this invincible? and what an asshole court defense! I work with american apparel on the daily and their ad campaigns have gotten out of hand. but i guess when you set the smut bar high, theres only one place to go from there and thats smuttier. Glad woodys gettin ill on their ass though.

Read the rest here


Witchyard said...

Slotnick, hahahaha.

Trenta Centavos de los Monos said...

wow what to say about this one. american apparel trying to moralize about sexuality? hm

...aly... said...

Dov WISHES he could have sex with a pseudo adopted daughter!!! I think AA planned all this shit anyway- no press is bad press right? Plus the cost of launching some sort of official national billboard campaign where they actually used Allen's image with permission would have probably cost more than what they'll end up paying in any sort of settlement. Plus, now they get to relish in a bunch of global press hoopla this shit will most likely generate- it's an automatic AA/Woody Allen name association. For a company that is already oozing sleaze... just seems like business as usual! It's sneaky and smart really...