Monday, March 1, 2010

Bird Brains

I'm curious to know where we stand in the super-cute-cyborg-super-weapons race. A few years ago everyone was talking about cyborg moths and radio controlled pigeons. Here is a pigeon with microchips implanted in its brain by Chinese scientists. Apparently they can control its flight path by zapping its little neurons remotely.

A related story from April 2008 involves a small time serial killer. Someone was going around Seattle and shooting pigeons with a dart gun. Dead birds were being found around the city with little darts stuck in them, which is weird enough. The really crazy part is that a few of the birds were found that survived, flying around with darts piercing their skulls and lodged behind their eyeballs:

Despite the case being handled very seriously by PETA, no arrests were made. Although they couldn't prove anything, there were a number of suspects:


kegbenk said...

hahaha! awesome post. speaking of weird brain shit i once read about a lady who injured a very specific part of brain and developed a blind-spot in her vision which her brain filled with cartoons she had seen as a child. very strange.

Erin Bassett said...
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Erin Bassett said...

wow. i know people who would pay to be able to do that...